It is an appraisal service that determines the current value of machinery, equipment, vehicles, auxiliary tools / equipment within the body of real estate used for production purposes (factory, workshops, breeding farm, cement plants, shipyards, RES - Wind Power Plants, HEPP - Hydro-Electric Power Plants etc.) in the whole or separately.
Second-hand or scrap value determinations in the market for all kinds of machines and equipment that are found in accounting records as fixtures but do not have book values due to depreciation.
Market fair value determinations for mortgage purposes for all kinds of machinery and equipment registered in the land registry of the real estate in facilities with the purpose of production or service, that is, the integral part of a real estate pursuant to Article 684 of the Law No. 4721 and its add-on elements pursuant to Article 686.
In order to determine the total assets of companies, along with their real estate, machinery and equipment found in these real estate for production or trade purposes are market fair value determinations.